Upfront's Wags to Riches Cover Girl

Just Call Me Ziva

Friday, January 15, 2010

It Can't Be Friday Again!

Ziva and I have no idea how Friday managed to roll around again so quickly.  We have been a bit lax in the photo taking since I, the human half of this dynamic duo was a bit busy with
transcription work this week. 

Ziva and I have managed daily walks encountering all sorts of island wildlife (and that includes
humans!)   She has enjoyed one of her favorite pass times which is digging holes on the beach.
We could possibly get her a job with the Department of Environmental Protection by digging to monitor the island's water table on a daily basis.  It's about time she goes to work to make money for bully sticks, those things are expensive.

Yesterday morning after dropping dad at work Ziva and I headed to a large dog park to allow her to blow off some steam.  Since the weather was finally warming and the sun was shining
it was a busy morning at the dog park.  Dogs were everywhere.  Short haired, dogs, long haired dogs, slobbering dogs, barking dogs and we can't forget the poopin' dogs!  People, people, people keep those poop bags handy, remember it's your job as a responsible dog owner to clean up after your dog. 

Ziva enjoyed herself until some of the larger dogs started banding together, barking at each other and started the body slamming... that's when she becomes "Ziva the Diva" and politely bows out of the facas and heads for my lap or in the case yesterday the lap of anyone that welcomes her!  She seemed to like the lap of the older gentleman sitting next to me.  It became quite the game to see which other dog owner could lure her onto their laps.  She is a hugger and snuggle bug so it didn't take much encourgament on their part.

Dogs came and went and the chaos seemed to settle a bit so Miss Ziva headed out to find a playmate and of all the dogs there she chose a little white french bulldog named Gator.  They ran and chased and found one of the huge sand pits to dig holes, roll around and wrestle then take off running only to return sliding into the sand pit like ball players scoring a homerun. 

About an hour and a half later I decided it was time to head back to the island and called for my wild child to head toward the gate.  She made me proud by racing to my side with the first call and trotted along with a very satisfied puppy grin on her face. 

After a busy morning at the dog park rolling around in the dirt and being adorned with the sticky slobber of one dog too many you can image the next thing on our to do list.  Yessssirreeee, it was shower time!  And thank goodness this is one Vizsla that loves to take a shower.  She walks right into the shower awaiting wet down, herbal shampoo massage and pulsating shower head rinse off.  She sits for her towel off and then runs for one of her dog beds to burrow under the blankets for a well deserved snooze.  Yes there is a dog in that mass of blankets!

This morning it was another visit to the Friday morning farmer's market here on the island.  It's great socialization time for her for her training.  This morning we were approached by numerous people who showered her with compliments on her beauty, her manners and her attentiveness on me her human.  If only she would remember the last two during her Saturday morning classes! 

Speaking of classes, last Saturday Ziva started the first of several classes in her Paws for Love classes.  It's a great class with 6 students, all different breeds, sizes and ages.  It's going to be a tough class for her since she is only 6 months old but a good class for her to continue learning self control.  Wish us luck as we work our way to being the best mannered, obedient team we can be.

Until the next time ...

Go forth and be responsible dog owners..... make a poop bag part of your daily attire!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Ziva and her human counterparts!! I have to share with the three of you what a wonderful time I have had working with you in class. It has been a great joy to have been your teacher and your friend through this journey. Ziva is a wonderful puppy and I know that Mom & Dad deserve a lot of the credit. I look forward to teaching and working with you all throughout this process and KNOW that Ziva will become a WONDERFUL therapy dog and a great voice for Paws For Love Therapy Dogs in our community. Wags to you all!! Kisses to Ziva!
